When starting this activity, I was a bit skeptic about the
group work that it involved; however, now that I take a look at the outcome, I
am glad that this was a group activity. At first, I found myself struggling to
understand what kind of technologies were the ones required; therefore, I began
by putting those that I definitely would use myself in my classroom and that I
have been advised by my teachers to use. Through research, I was also reminded
of some technologies that at first may seem obvious or familiar, but that as
future teachers, we rarely think about using. However, after looking into my
group’s findings, I realized how many of the technologies that they contributed
with, I have myself used as a student and as a student teacher. They also provided
technologies that I was instantly enthusiastic about using, like Slideshare and Mindmeister.
The technologies that I am most thankful for from the list that we
came up with are Google Documents and Evernote. Although, I did not think of Evernote at first, this weekend I decided to give it a try. I used Evernote to
type an essay for READ 411 on my Ipad and then print it out on the computer.
Evernote saves a lot of time because it does not require internet to type your
notes, but then when you are at home, the upload is automatic. As we all know,
the best technology out there and the one used for this specific project is Google Documents. We are all busy in our daily routines, but Google Document
offers us the possibility of doing group work without all of us being present in
the process because everyone contributes with their own ideas and just updates
the document as they go.